It's sad doing stupid. Yes. I've had very stupid moments in my life and it's just plain sad. Stupid is kind of like seeing a sign on a door that says 'Push' and instead, you stand there pulling for the next ten days. We can be nice and should be, but in the end: it's still...
The truth is God can use anyone. I'll go even a step further and tell you that God can use anything! He can use a prisoner to launch a political career on the world's stage and save His people from starvation. God raised Joseph from the lowest dungeon to the most influential palace. The Lord...
Many things in this world have a tone. Of course, musical instruments and voices have a tone, but I want us to explore this at even a deeper level. Scientists have discovered that even newborn babies have some kind of innate ability to lock in on their mother's voice so that it...
Believe it or not, how you feel is more of a controversial subject then you might know. Everybody wants to feel good, but because of the close relationship between your flesh and feelings, it's common to lump it all under the heading of being carnal. Here's a quick peek into God's...
The Kingdom of God has a strict policy: you never return evil for evil. In fact, Jesus said to bless those who curse you. But that’s good for evil! That can’t be right!
You may know what it’s like to have someone say ugly, untrue things about you or steal or...
One evening as I was sitting at home relaxing, I turned on the TV looking for something light, fun. Pam had baked me a homemade treat along with a tea, and everything was fine until a horrific commercial came on. They were selling a cure to toenail fungus. It was absolutely...
It was World War 2, 1943 when the leaders of Japan’s 201st Navy Air Group recruited volunteers to fly suicide missions against the U.S. Navy offensive. Basically, a young Japanese pilot was directed to deliberately fly his specially prepared plane into an American ship, to do maximum...
There are some things in life that require investment. On the other hand, there are blessings like God's grace which can only be a gift. You can't earn it or deserve it, but we all desperately need His grace. At the same time, relationships require trust to function well and without it, they...
I want to bring a very important thought for your life into the light. It is foundational to your well-being and wholeness as a person so let’s take a few minutes to hear God’s Word.
Think about the word ‘celebrate’ and specifically, what it is you...
The greatest deception is self-deception. That's when you become complicit in your own destruction. Proverbs 18-nine says that the person who does not use his endeavors to heal himself is brother to him who commits suicide. That's not making any room for God. You give Him access when you apply...
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