Home is where the heart is, the saying goes. In Revelation 3:20, Jesus says, “Behold, I
stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice, and opens the door, I will come
into him and dine with him …”. The passage paints a picture of Jesus standing at the door
of every individual’s heart, knocking, calling and waiting for an invitation to come inside.
So, what is the best earthly representation of your heart? I think the saying is mostly true.

If you are looking for where your heart resides, it is largely … your home. It’s where you
make life decisions, form core beliefs, cry your saddest tears, and laugh the loudest. In
your home you hold and protect your most intimate treasures and memories. It can be
where you celebrate and in the same space, grieve.  So much of your world is contained
within the walls of your home. Perhaps we can say it’s where your heart lives.

In the world of Christianity, we hear the question, Do you know Jesus? It’s a good question and has been asserted as the ultimate eternal question. But is there something else possibly as critical to ask? Maybe even more important?

Listen to what Jesus says in Matthew 7:22-23. “Many will say to Me on that day, Lord,
Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name and driven out demons in Your name and done many mighty works in Your name? And then I will say to them openly, I never knew you; depart from Me, you who act wickedly.”

Yes, you need to know Jesus, but does Jesus know you? Some might answer, “Jesus
knows everyone. He’s God!” True, but in this text we hear Jesus Himself saying, “I never
knew you.” If Jesus is standing at our door knocking to come in, that tells us that He waits
for an invitation into our heart, our private life, our world. Though God knows everything
good and evil in all of history and the galaxy, He chooses to know you relationally only to
the degree you invite His Lordship into your life. That translates to your home. Is Jesus
allowed to be Lord of your home, and therefore your life?

I’ve always regarded Matthew 7:23 as the most sobering scripture in all the Bible. It
prompts the ultimate eternal question - Does Jesus know me? Have I permitted Him
access to my heart, my home? Is this question the instigation behind our allowance of an
attendance tradition that moves God into a building across town? My wife Pam was touring a famous cathedral in Rome, Italy. She was struck by it’s beauty. The workmanship was exquisite. She whispered, You must love this place God. He whispered, I love you! This place is nothing without you.

In 2 Samuel 6 a foreigner in Israel named Obed-edom welcomed God’s presence by
hosting The Ark of the Covenant in his home. He and his family were very blessed living
with God’s presence. God multiplied their wealth so much that it grabbed the attention of
King David. Does God live with you? Does God know you? It’s hard to imagine preferring
visits to a religious building over God’s presence and blessing residing with you.

Home is where the heart is. Let Jesus in. He won’t condemn you. He will favor you, and
Obed-edom’s story tells us that’ll be amazing. You may know His name, but don’t stop
there. Let Jesus know you. That’s when the greatest blessing really kicks in!

Pray the Word:

Jesus You access my life through the doorway of my heart. If I’ve said ‘no’ to You in any
area, I repent. You are Lord and I need Your influence in every room of my heart. I open
up the door of my home to You so I can say with confidence that You know me. I receive
Your love, help, and wisdom. You bless my life with all the benefits of Your presence.
Jesus I’m living the modern Obed-edom life in You. Yes, You know me and I’m glad! To
the glory of Your Name Jesus, Amen.

P.S. Your thoughts count! Your influence is more important than you realize. Share this
with a friend and then ask a few well placed questions to help them open the door of their heart. Try it and see how God will use you powerfully.


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