When life's battles surround us, it's natural to feel afraid. Whether facing personal struggles, relationship challenges, or spiritual warfare, fear can paralyze us. But God wants us to know that He stands as our protector and shield. Just as He assured Abraham in ancient times, He assures us today that we don't need to fear because He is our shield and reward. This promise isn't just about physical protection - it's about God's complete covering over every aspect of our lives. When we truly grasp that God is our shield, we can face any challenge with confidence, knowing that our ultimate victory is secure in Him.
"After these things, the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision, saying, 'Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.'" - Genesis 15:1
In what areas of your life do you need to trust God's protection more fully, and what fears do you need to surrender to Him?
“The vacuum of command leaves your mind vulnerable to chaos and disorder. Your intellect is a gift from God, but it must be subject to the commands of God in order to live free and whole.” SM
God we want your commands. They give me victory. I'm more than a conqueror in your power and authority. I put on the whole armor of God. I claim jurisdiction over my heart, mind and soul. Jesus is my champion. He died for me, rose up from the grave.He makes me fearless in Him. I'm bold and strong. For the glory of God I take hold of this territory. In Jesus name, Amen.
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