Your hurts and dreams are important to us that is why we want to encourage you. Let me give you 3 life-changing conclusions that we can live by.
We all need The Way that comes from His Rightness. The world seeks fairne...
It’s amazing the way our minds can justify our actions. I remember my grandmother telling me as a boy “Just one plum”, as I headed toward her pantry. In my mind, I reasoned, “They’re kind of small and besides, I’m helping her with the chores, and I need to keep my strength up.” I’ve never forgotten ...
Have you ever felt like things in your life are just out of control? You’re not alone. Let me give you a Bible-inspired key and then I’ll explain it. You have immediate control over your perspective and if you change it, you begin the process of changing your reality; your outcome. Your perspective ...
There is a national fast-food chain that tells us “you can have it your way”. The problem is, what if your way is not working? Society right now is pushing overtime to persuade people to demand life their way. Eat your way, worship your way, have relationships your way, get all the stuff your way....
I am constantly amazed at the revelation of God’s pattern of operation because it doesn’t change. When God formed the first man from the dust of the ground, He made a shape first, He didn’t give life first. That’s right, God forms the man, shapes the man, and completes this masterpiece of this vesse...
I remember the winter day that my uncle took me for a walk in the woods outside of our hometown. It was cold and the snow was deep. Uncle George is a tall man of well over six feet, so he easily stepped through the drifts. I was only nine years old and had short little legs.
Walking along in ...
You need the best place to go to authorize help in needful times. Yes, we all need direction that is accurate based on pinpoint intel for blessed living. The cross of Jesus is COMMAND CENTRAL. That is your war room where victory is launched.
CC is your place of su...
You’ve been there. I’ve been there. We’ve all hung out on that corner called ‘Just Give Up!’ The danger is deciding to live there. When you let discouragement and disappointment talk you into giving up, that’s the real fail. Whether you’re an athlete or not, there’s something so inspiring about the ...
My friend Dave works as a commercial pilot for one of the big airlines. As a customer and frequent flyer on commercial flights, I must confess that I am so much more interested in what keeps the plane in the air rather than what pulls it downward. Can you relate to that?
Flying involves basic laws:...
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