If you’ve been searching for purpose and direction for your life, know this: you’re not alone. Discovering the reason for the season can illuminate the wonderful mystery of life for you.
The popular tradition of putting up a Christmas tree was first initiated many, many years ago. Back in the Middle Ages, education was very limited, so many people couldn’t read. Leaders wanted to teach the Bible and came up with the idea of using plays. Now this may surprise you: the play they used to teach the Christmas story involved Adam and Eve. What does the first man and woman have to do with Christmas, you may ask? Great question.
Imagine this: It’s cold, wintery Germany, and people are tying ornaments of red apples to an evergreen tree. The story they’re telling is how Adam and Eve rebelled against God and ate the fruit He told them not to from the tree in the garden. Their relationship with God is broken as a result of sin, so they’re exiled from the Garden of Eden. Romans 6:23 says, For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus, our Lord. The play helped the people understand the fear and conflict in the world, because sin has a terrible price. The story became so clear as to why Jesus came as the babe in a manger, lived a perfect life, then died on a cross to pay the debt for Adam and Eve—the sin debt for all of us.
We needed a Savior Who was both Man and God. The amazing grace plan is God injecting Himself into His own creation. Without that miracle, there is no happy holidays.
If you were wondering, Why an evergreen tree? It portrays the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden. The desirable red ornaments represent temptation and our sinful choices. The light on the tree represents Jesus, our Savior. John 1 says He is the true Light shining into the darkness, illuminating the heart. Yes, the simple tradition of a Christmas tree, when understood, points each person to the reason for the season.
About 2,000 years ago, God’s Spirit overshadowed the blessed Virgin Mary, and the Seed of God entered the world. The angel of the Lord told her the baby she carried was to be called Jesus. After nine months, the angel visited shepherds working the midnight shift and told them a Savior was born in Bethlehem. You shall find the baby wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger. Shepherds understood that this was how sacrificial lambs were treated. A lamb destined for sacrifice was swaddled in clothes and laid in a manger. The lamb was born to die as a symbol of redemption. Jesus was born to truly die for the sins of the world.
God so loved that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. That’s for you! Christmas is the true message of restoring your relationship to God through His Son, Jesus. Only He can reverse the curse for you, so you can live blessed. Do you want peace? Know this: Jesus is the reason for the season. Plant the true message of the Christmas season in your heart today and know the truth that makes you free—finally free!
-Stephen Marshall
Father God I humble myself. I need a Savior, Your Son, Jesus. Just like Adam and Eve, I’ve sinned too. Please forgive me. I believe Jesus was born of the blessed Virgin Mary. He lived a sinless, perfect life. I believe He died on a cross to redeem me from the curse. And I believe you raised Him up from the grave. Jesus is the reason for the season. Now I step into this brand new season of abundant life. I’m born again—a child of God. Lead, guide, and direct me from this moment on. Bless me Lord! All in Jesus name, amen.
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