The Bible is much more than just a book about Jesus.  John 1:1 tells us, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."  Grabbing your Bible in faith is like taking hold of Jesus.  You instantly access all of God's Wisdom.  That is amazing! 

There are two power P's we receive from Christ: His peace and prosperity.  It's important to know that they like to work together, just like the wheels on your bicycle.  In fact, when your wheels aren't working together, it can get ugly quick.  Jesus' peace and prosperity are intrinsic to His anointing.

These two power P's are yours in Jesus.  The person of Christ is the source of your peace.  The principals of Christ are the source of your prosperity.  I've met some who are excited about Jesus but when the conversation turns to His principals, they excuse themselves from these absolutes with, "Thank God I'm under grace."  They don't understand that grace is not an excuse to fail, but empowerment to live and thrive in these principals. 

On the other hand we have those who pick and choose principals of Christ because they really do work for whosoever will.  These folks have what I call "Selective prosperity".  Like the rich young ruler, they like doing the Jesus 'thing'; they just struggle with His lordship.  They use His amazing leadership principals to succeed in what they think is important, only to spend their profits on trying to fabricate their own peace. 

The person of Jesus determines your peace.  The principals of the Master create your prosperity.  Knowing His peace makes the cup sound.  Knowing His principals fill the cup to overflowing.  To separate them is a strange circus act that misrepresents the character of Christ to the many who are thirsty for the Truth.  Refuse to think you can pick and choose.  Jesus' peace and prosperity are in tandem, and yours now!      

Let's pray the Word together:

Lord You said that you give me Your peace (John 14:27) and You also put Your Kingdom within me (Luke 17:21).  I receive the Word of Your wisdom now and walk in the full package of your power.  Your grace is more than enough to help me abide in Your person AND Your principals.  I have peace and prosperity in Jesus' name.  Amen.     


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