The Kingdom of God is not for the passive. Passive people are always waiting for life to happen. They don't want to make a choice so they procrastinate. Their decision is often 'no choice'. This way they feel a false sense of insulation from the consequences of picking the short straw. Let's call this 'Head in the sand theology'.
God says in Deuteronomy 30:19 that He has set life and death before us. Then He goes a step further and helps us by saying, "Choose life." Obviously, we need His help in a multiple choice even when it seems obvious. Still, you must choose. God doesn't do that for you.
Don't whine or procrastinate. You are a winner, so act like one. You've been given the precious Holy Spirit, so listen and follow. Quit saying, "I don't know what to do." When you feel that ignorance wanting to whine just shout out, "I'm led by the Holy Spirit and I know what to do!"
On the final day, Jesus was to ride into Jerusalem, He called for a colt to be brought to Him (Matthew 21:2). Think about it: God had long ago prophesied and prepared that specific ride for His beloved Son, but until Jesus called for it, the donkey remained tied up, waiting. You've got untold blessings, answers, and gifts just waiting!
You have got to choose. Call for God's provision and blessing. Quit waiting passively to win some nonexistent spiritual lottery. There is an inheritance that is already yours, but you've got to call for it. The promises await your command. Get your head out of the sand and take it all now! You give your day permission to succeed or fail. No choice is definitely the wrong choice.
Father, You have set before me life and death, blessing and cursing. I call for life and blessing now, in Jesus' Name! I'm led by the Holy Spirit. Let there be light in the glorious day that The Lord has made. Amen.
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