Perhaps this question has been in your heart because you’re a person that wants to make a difference for good in this world but you’re wondering if what you do or say really matters. The truth is that it does matter.
It really matters. When we listen to God's voice that tells us to say or do something it could be one of those snapshot moments that actually changes the destiny or eternity for someone.
Stephen and I have had the privilege of being with Dr. Robert Schuller at the Crystal Cathedral many times.
Dr. Schuller told the story of what had happened with his young daughter years before we knew him.
His daughter Carol had her leg amputated from an accident, and JOHN WAYNE heard about it on TV and wrote her a note. That note was delivered to her in her hospital room. Carol read his note wishing her a fast recovery and felt impressed to write John Wayne a note in reply. She wrote:
Dear Mr. Wayne, I got your note. Thank you for writing me. I’m going to be alright because Jesus is helping me. Mr. Wayne do you know Jesus? I sure hope you do because I can’t imagine heaven being complete without John Wayne being there. I hope if you don’t know Him you will give your heart to Jesus right now.
See you in heaven.
She put that note on the table by her hospital bed with JOHN WAYNE written on the envelope. That afternoon a visitor came and saw the enevelope and asked her what it was about. Carol told him she had written a letter to JOHN WAYNE but didn’t know how to get it to him.
The man told her that very night himself and 10 other guys were meeting John Wayne at a Newport Beach restaurant and that he would give him the note.
That night John Wayne was seated at the end of the table and this man said “Hey Duke I was with Schuller’s daughter in the hopsital today and she wrote you a letter that she wanted me to give to you. “
They passed it down to John Wayne and he opened it. The others were laughing and cutting up when someone looked down and saw John with tears in his eyes. One of the guys said “ Hey Duke what’s the matter?”
John Wayne read the note out loud and then folded it up and put it in his pocket. He pointed to the man who delivered it and said, ”You go tell that girl that right now and right here in this restaurant, John Wayne gives his heart to Jesus Christ, and I will see her in heaven”
Three weeks later, John Wayne died.
God uses people to change destinies when we listen and obey. We love you and want to see you Receive God's goodness, Grow in God's goodness, and Give God's goodness.
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What is God asking you to do that will take courage on your part to reach outside yourself and do or say something that could change a life forever?
Pam Marshall
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