Unity is such a peace, love, and harmony word, as opposed to ‘division’. Division is one of those objective realities that parents instinctually feel compelled to correct out of their child’s behavior. And yet strangely, it’s the very tool they use to keep their children from fighting with each other, to keep them a safe distance from a campfire, and to protect them from the content online that is harmful to their thinking.
It’s interesting that in Paul’s letter to the Corinthians, just before he instructs them on how to properly partake of communion he states this by direction of the Holy Spirit: 1 Corinthians 11:19, “For doubtless there have to be factions or parties among you in order that they who are genuine and of approved fitness may become evident and plainly recognized among you.” He just said divisions have to come or else you cannot recognize those who are genuine.
Right now, your religious senses probably just got wrapped around the fence post, so to speak. Didn’t Paul already tell us in 1 Corinthians 1:10, “But I urge you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you be in perfect harmony and full agreement in what you say, and that there be no dissensions or divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in your common understanding and in your opinions and judgments.”? Yes. He said that also by the unction of the Holy Spirit. So which is it? Are we to be divided or united?
You are to be united in the Body of Christ with those who are of the Body of Christ. But to do that, you will need to be divided out of and away from, those who are against Christ, His Word, His principles, and His agenda. Jesus said this in Matthew 12:30, “He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me and for My side scatters.” Apparently, Jesus knew there were divisions in life based on our beliefs and actions. 2 Corinthians 6:17 says, “So, come out from among [unbelievers], and separate yourselves from them, says the Lord, and touch not [any] unclean thing; then I will receive you kindly and treat you with favor”.
Yes, I’ve hit you with quite a bit of scripture on this topic because in our present culture we have adopted wrong thinking and tried fiercely to make a hybrid Christianity that is not of God. It may appear nice and acceptable within social norms but that’s exactly what Jesus warned against when He spoke of salt that has lost it’s saltiness. The Master said that version of salt is worthless. Jesus went on in Matthew 5 to tell us that we are the light of the world and not meant to be hiding under a bushel so we appear dark, complimenting the passion for ignorance of Truth.
There used to be this old TV show from the sixties called Hogan’s Heroes. It’s a comedy about POW’s in a German prison camp. I know, hard to believe anyone could make a comedy out of such a horrific subject. On this particular show there is a fun character by the name of Shultz who is the sergeant of the German guards. He fully embraces his own ignorance. When the allies talk about their tunnel systems, covert harassment of the enemy, and sabotage, Schultz always closes his eyes and shouts, “I see nothing, I hear nothing, I know nothing.” It’s so funny to hear this large, gun carrying sergeant fearfully make such a head-in-the-sand confession as he looks the other way. It’s quite another thing to hear those professing a faith in Christ pull the same evasive tactic with reality. “I see nothing!” Denying the facts does not make them go away. Hoping for change doesn’t make it so.
If your clothes have caught fire you’ve got to do everything you can to separate yourself from that flame. If your wig is on fire get it off your head! If you’re in a house that is burning down, get out of there. Separate yourself from that building, and quickly. Don’t sit and reminisce about the good ole days and how many Christmases you’ve had there. Don’t go through your book of memories trying to convince yourself that maybe you should stay. Division must come for God to save you from the fire that is upon you. Why does this seem like a strange phenomenon? It is a many thousand year old principal. Don’t listen to the lies of the enemy. Come out and be separate, and live!
Thank you Father God for saving me from the destructive lies of the enemy. I was beginning to embrace ignorance instead of “It is written”. The enemy was lulling me into a sense of procrastination as the building was burning down around me. Division and separation must come, and I must obey the voice of the Holy Spirit. There are fires You put out, but there are fires You use to purify the season. You separate the wheat from the chaff so that You can burn up the chaff. Jesus said there are people who are not with Him, but rather against Him with an agenda to scatter. I want to be His salt on earth. I want to be His light on earth. I don’t run from my calling, but to my calling. Help me Lord to be strong and stay in a state of being separated to You for Holy communion, fellowship, and worship. In Jesus Name ... Amen.
P.S. We love you. As you embrace Jesus call to be salt, light, and stand with Him, we choose to stand with you in the family of God. What an honor it is to serve the Lord together. Let’s stand in faith and continue to seek first the Kingdom of God. Go to our website and let us hear from you. We pray for you, and we need your prayers too. God bless you dear friend.
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