Some people are experts when it comes to vehicles. That's not me. I'm your basic driver who knows very little about the working of the machine. That said, I do know this, though, you've got to be a consistent gauge watcher. If you're going on a trip, you must check to see if you've got enough gas.  Basic right? If the engine light comes on, you know you've got to pull over and get an expert ASAP.   

The same way you are mindful of checking your car gauges, you've got to check your spiritual gauges. After all, your life is worth far more, by a million times, then the most expensive vehicle.  A simple but important measurement for you to check is your joy level.  Are you honestly experiencing joy from day to day?  If not, then you can be guaranteed that you are also struggling with your 'horse-power' output.  The joy of The Lord is your strength (Nehemiah 8:10).

Joy is evidence of a healthy relationship with the Holy Spirit. When you're having times of being in His presence and receiving the good stuff He always has for you, joy is the fruit. Galatians 5:22, tells us that joy is one of the first fruits of abiding, relaxing, trusting in the Holy Spirit. If you check your gauge and joy is reading on empty, that doesn't mean 'enough'. No, no. That means the precious Holy Spirit has been grieved and your paths have parted ways.  

What do you do? Stop. Pull over. Repent. Call on Jesus. Don't get into condemnation, but let conviction lead you to life. Ask and the Holy Spirit will tell you where the problem started.  It could have been neglect of pursuit, a bad conversation that He found offensive, or a word of unbelief. The great thing is He can fill your tank with joy so fast. You'll soon be speeding down the highway of life in the right direction, in God's strength and power.  

Check your gauge right now and get your joy level topped up and overflowing. It's God's will for you to overflow and prosper!

Let's pray together:

Holy Spirit, please search my heart right now and see if there is any wrong or crooked way in me.  Lord you have the ability to lead me in the way that is everlasting and strong. When I'm walking with you I overflow with joy and I want that now. Forgive me for any way I've grieved You Lord and help me. I need you Lord!



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